
During workshops, we take an inside out look at what is keeping your team from being the leaders they can be. We look at foundational leadership skills and build deep powerful shifts to benefit your teams.

Each workshop introduces a leadership concept, paired with exercises to uncover what holds them back. With this new awareness, action plans are created, allowing for integration of these skills. Learn from your own experiences and the experiences of others in the group, helping you navigate your journey faster and more confidently.

What can you expect from these workshops

  • More confidence, ownership and awareness in who you are as a leader

  • Renewed enthusiam and satisfaction for your leadership role, while reducing overwhelm to focus on key metrics

  • Higher level strategic planning and slowing down to reflect on actions

  • Approaching situations with curiosity to gain understanding, allowing for coaching opportunities with the team

  • More trust in the leadership team and willingness to play to win

“The more intentional you are about your leadership growth, the greater your potential for becoming the leader you are capable of being."
- John C. Maxwell

Workshop topics Include

  • Expectations plague our organizations. Creating clear requests and co-creating agreements can be done quickly and easily, utlizing a simple framework. Understanding this distinction creates more efficiency, reduces frustration and has the ability to change the culture of the organization.

    4 hours, 12-22 participants

  • As a leader, you make a choice. A choice about how you will show up and "be". Will you take ownership and be the creator, even in difficult situations? Or will you keep showing up each day reacting and never getting to the most important work? When you shift from reactor to owner, you and your teams experience more agility, innovation and higher team morale.

    2 hours, 12-22 participants

  • Research demonstrates that building a coaching culture in your organization results in improved revenue, better ideas, more empowerment and improved retention of employees. Shift the dynamic in your teams, using a simple framework that does not require a lot of time and does not require additional meetings or engagements.

    1 day, 12-22 participants

  • Listening is imperative as a leader. Yet, time and time again, we find ourselves listening for agreement with our own beliefs or we stop fully listening to formulate our own response. In this workshop, we are not going to be learning how to listen, rather we are going to build awareness around when we are not listening and explore how listening creates space for your team to think and be more effective in their work.

    4 hours, 12-22 participants

LET’S elevate the performance of your team

Let’s talk to determine what will best serve your team