Refine YOUR leadership trajectory and get to YOUR next level


Let’s face It:

leadership development falls to the Bottom of your ever-growing to-do list.

Yet, you know that you need to grow in your leadership to be considered for the next level or role.

You think: "I'll work on it after the next big deadline, project or at quarter end." And that time never comes, because something else fills the space.

today is the day.

Getting You to the Next Level

Today I help rising leaders unlock their potential by fostering awareness, expanding their perspective and challenging them to take inspiring action.

  • I've helped clients empower their teams to step up and lead, increasing morale and retention

  • I've helped clients understand how they are being perceived and helped them create connection and collaboration amongst their teams and organizations

  • I've helped overwhelmed, exhausted and resigned leaders re-engage with their purpose, their work and their team

  • I’ve helped clients decide on new paths, get promoted to their next level, including the C-Suite

  • I’ve helped clients handle tough and distracting personal situations while managing their work

with my leadership background and coaching Experience, i help you transform into the leader you want to be - and that others want to follow.

catalyst for transformation

Jena's corporate and professional coaching experience

allows her to quickly assess clients to see the challenges they are facing and help them deeply engage in their own growth. Having worked in small and large corporations, as well as leading multi-functional teams in matrix environments, Jena understands the pressures and challenges that leaders face daily. Her approach with clients is to help them slow down to see what is needed to help them change their leadership development trajectory.

She works with clients that value having a coach alongside them to support, guide and help them reach their milestones faster and with more ease. They gain confidence in their leadership through immediate transformation - sometimes as quickly as one call - so they can play a bigger game in every area of life. She works with leaders from all different industries and has worked with clients just starting their leadership path all the way to the C-Suite.

Jena holds a Bachelor's of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Illinois at Chicago and is a certified Master Insight Coach.

Let’s work together