Group Coaching

TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP is a group training and coaching program designed to take an inside out look at what is keeping you from becoming the leader you want to be. We take a closer look at foundational leadership skills to see what might be holding you back and build deep powerful shifts to benefit you and your career. Each group session will introduce a leadership concept, paired with an exercise to uncover limiting thoughts, doubts and fears.

With this new awareness, action plans are created, allowing you to practice integration of these skills. Learn from your own experiences and the experiences of others in the group, helping you navigate your journey faster and more confidently. The 1:1 coaching also creates opportunities to further explore and breakthrough blocks to drive transformation faster.

What can you expect to get from this program?

  • Continued cultivation of awareness (self and others) allowing you to respond, not react

  • Deeper listening and coaching to create powerful conversations and new ideas

  • Improved relationships and productivity using clear agreements

  • Learning to stay in the lead, despite conditioning to please others

  • Developing direct reports with authentic, transparent leadership

  • More confidence, ownership and responsibility for who you are as a leader

  • Renewed enthusiam and satisfaction for leadership role

  • Higher level strategic planning and slowing down to reflect on actions

  • Participants also develop long, lasting relationships with each other

“You can only lead someone as far as you are willing to go yourself”
—Josh Axe


  • 2 sessions per month (10 total) for 1.5 hours each. Intimate groups (4 max) allows maximum engagement and learning

  • 2 One hour coaching sessions to breakthrough blocks & drive individual transformation faster

  • Program also includes 2 group coaching sessions to handle immediate challenges

Let’s uplevel Your leadership

Reach out today to see to see if Transformational Leadership is a good fit for you.