Welcome to the IT ALL* podcast with your hosts Brandee Justus, Jena Kinney and Sarah Ciavarri – a show where we explore whether or not you can actually have and do IT ALL. 

We've learned that It All* comes with many asterisks - the fine print and unspoken truths. Asterisks like competing priorities, imagined responsibilities and demands of multiple roles.  When we are constantly stretched beyond our bandwidth and our resilience wears, the power of a conversation with people that get it and care about you, shifts your mindset and eases your heart.   

In our podcast, It All*, we’ll explore the power of embracing the asterisks of life as a leader, mom, wife and friend by redefining what it really means to have and do it all.  Every week we’ll untangle real life conundrums, laugh at the absurdities and share insights on how to discover what you really want and do what you really love. 

We were brought together because of our work as coaches and through conversations realized we were all working with similar challenges in our business and lives.  Just having those conversations out loud, being heard, validated and even helping each other challenge our beliefs around the asterisks that exist in our lives was so helpful and made the work lighter.  We invite you to join us in lifting the burden by subscribing to It All* on your favorite podcast platform.

How To Manage Multiple Roles


Your Hosts

Brandee Justus believes that authenticity and not taking yourself too seriously are the keys to happiness. She has been married for 28 years and has raised two amazing young men while leading teams and coaching sales organizations through the peaks and valleys of winning.

Sarah Ciavarri never set out to be an entrepreneur but over the last 12 years of building an executive coaching and keynoting practice, she has fallen in love with dreaming big dreams, going for them, and empowering her clients to do the same.  Sarah has been married for 24 years, is mom to two, and lives on a small farm. And yes, there are horses.

Jena Kinney dedicates herself to helping you refine your leadership trajectory and be the leader you want to be. She mastered her craft as a sales and marketing leader before becoming a Leadership and Business Coach. Jena has been married for 23 years and has been practicing parenting with her daughter and son for 13 of those.