Leadership coaching that unlocks your potential to play a bigger game in your life, with your team and your organization.





  • Are you getting great performance ratings, yet getting passed up for the promotion? Or are you getting vague feedback to “keep up the great work” with no direction on how to get to the next level?

  • Are you feeling unsure in difficult situations or conflict?

  • Are you not getting the traction you want with your team? Is change not happening fast enough? Or is your team culture more prone to blaming than trusting?

  • Is your voice not being heard or do you have challenges creating the voice you want? Are you unsure how to be more effective in your communications?

  • Are you struggling to create more executive presence?

  • Are you struggling to keep it all in balance and having difficulty managing the pressures of leadership?

Do any of these sound like you…

ReDEfine your Leadership trajectory today

Create into the future, not from your past. Using the Four Key Principles below, we will identify and overcome patterns that are weakening your leadership and create small shifts that will change the trajectory of your leadership from great to outstanding.

  • There is usually a gap between what you are doing as a leader and how it is being perceived by others. Increasing your self-awareness, we close that gap to build trust and effectiveness with your team.

  • Where are you leaking in your commitments? Strengthening your responsibility to yourself shortens the path to success, increasing speed, agility, motivation and engagement in your organization.

  • Identify your assumptions, judgements and beliefs that derail your leadership and dismantle those to bring more possibilities and better decisions.

  • Upleveling your leadership is a contact sport! Upon leaving a session, you will be equipped to implement new skills and evaluate its effectiveness.

Let’s shift your trajectory today.

Transform the Way you lead, Forever

Private Coaching

Want to move the needle faster in your leadership development or in your team’s leadership development? Having a coach alongside you to support, guide and refine your specific journey enables you to reach milestones faster and with more ease and joy. My committment in these sessions are to meet you where you are at, listen deeply and support you in designing your next actions. 1:1 coaching experiences range from 6 to 12 months.

Group Coaching

This 5 month TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP training and coaching program takes an inside out look at what is keeping you from becoming the leader you want to be. In this highly interactive and intimate group, you will practice complete integration of skills and create your personalized action plans for next steps.


Interactive leadership workshops to deep dive into a particular leadership concept for your group of 12-24 people.

  • Agreements vs Expectations

  • Requests vs Complaints

  • Coaching vs Managing

  • Creator vs Reactor


I help people that are ready to uplevel their leadership…

and make a difference in the world. I believe in empowering people to create stronger leadership in their lives and I do this by helping clients refine their leadership trajectory, slow down to see different perspectives, create possibility and get into action.

With over 22 years in Sales and Marketing leadership positions for the Beauty and Pharmaceutical industries, I had a lot of leadership training and at times I struggled to implement the things I had learned. My work with clients is purposely designed to help them experiment to find ways to quickly implement these new shifts and ideas.